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Re: The New Klemorim and KlezKamp 2000

In reply to Mr. Shuster, I think most agree that Henry S. really does a great 
job with KlezKamp and probably doesn't get enough credit for it.  For 
instance, in a bold move this year, one of the featured performances  was 
Judith Cohen and her daughter Tamar doing an entire program of Ladino song 
(that's the Sephardic equivalent to Yiddish otherwise known as 
Judeo-Spanish).  Mix in a little Adrienne Cooper, Michael Alpert and other 
musicians and you had a truly unique presentation of song. (I wish Michael 
had gotten to do his own version of "Borscht".)

KlezKanada does their own programs and we all gain by having them.  What we 
need are more and more such events not criticism for who is left out of this 
film or that book, etc.  Attend all the camps, read all the books and listen 
to every recording you can get your hands on.  The film was very enjoyable 
but it is not the only film out there.  

Kudos to all the ensembles, dance bands and instructors at this year's Philly 
KlezKamp experience.

Alan Sisselman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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