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Criticism of The New Klemorim

In reply to a message from Hank Shuster of Brooklyn, New York:
Any filmmaker who produces a documentary about a large subject knows he or
she can only address a segment of that universe. This is true for all the
reasons documentarians are familiar with: time, money, shooting venues and
opportunities. My video program was intended to give the unitiated viewer a
brief introduction to the current generation of Kezmer musicians and
Yiddish singers using the venue of KlezKanada and its wonderful resources.
Notwithstanding its limitations (which it shares with all hour long films),
nearly all viewers, contrary to Mr. Shuster, find The New Klezmorim to be a
compelling introduction to the new Jewish music. Aside from interesting
interviews about the origins and appeal of the music, the video program
contains some wonderful performances by the finest performers the world of
Yiddish music has to offer today.
I have nothing against Henry Sapoznik; he just wasn't at KlezKanada when I
was shooting. It's unfortunate that his fans judge everything through the
prism of his celebrity even when such a judgement is completely irrelevant.
David Kaufman
73501(dot)3677 (at) compuserve(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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