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Re: Noah Nachbush

By the way, do you all remember the discussion we had about the similarity
in melodies between "Di frosh" and "Froggy Went a-Courtin"?  I was doing
some research and came across a comment that it is an American Folk Melody.
Makes sense, but although extremely close, it is not exactly the same as any
melody I've heard for "Froggy Went a-Courtin".  What reminded me was
listening to Nachbush's quirky version again.

Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:

> Available?  Not that I know of.  Anyone else?
> Sandra Layman wrote:
> > Does anyone know of any available recording of Noah Nachbush?
> >
> > Thanks very much,
> > Sandra
> >
> > Sandra Layman
> > sandL (at) compuserve(dot)com
> >

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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