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radio segment on Yankev Gorelik

This week, Sunday Nov. 19, I will do a ten minute segment on the 
Yiddish folksinger Yankev Gorelik.  That will be on the yiddish 
"forward hour" WEVD 1050 AM from 10-11 in the morning. If you do not 
live in NY, you can hear the programs on, under "forward 
hour" and then "stored programs".
Gorelik was a great singer from Shedrin, White Russia (1905?-1996). I 
will play four songs from my field work, including a "matza baking" 
song that I believe Michael Alpert now teaches, and an "agune song" 
about an abandoned woman.  Gut shabes - Itzik Go

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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