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Fwd: Debut Performance of Golem, Tonic, NYC, this sunday

>From: Barry Negrin <BNegrin (at) LLBL(dot)com>
>Subject: Debut Performance of Golem
>Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:57:08 -0500
>My band, Golem, is having its inaugural show at Tonic (NYC) this Sunday at
>1:30 and 3:00.  Edgy, chaotic Eastern Euro stuff plus a few standards.
>Featuring Annette Ezekiel (accordion, vocals), Barry Negrin (sax), Sarah
>Ferholt, (flugelhorn), Taylor Bergren-Chrisman (bass), Aaron Diskin
>(vocals), and other guests who may pop in (okay, I forgot the last name of
>our viola player, but she's really good!).
>Call with any questions you might have.  Thanks a lot!
>Barry Negrin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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