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RE: Did Anybody Send A Letter?


Please accept our apology. We are all busy here, carving pumpkins,
stealing door mats and breaking antennas off of cars.

Tomorrow night is Hallowe'en, a North American (and Anglo-Saxon)
festival,  where children dress up like golems and schorr candies from the
neighbors. The children then eat all the candies, get very sick and miss a
day of school.  Some people close all the lights, draw the curtains and
blinds and pretend that no one is home, in an attempt to avoid having to
deal with the bra.... er.... children.   Many Klezmer concerts are
on this night.  And if not, then they should be.

I hope you receive many letters tomorrow.

Warmest regards,

Ed Sieb.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Sofia V. Shneider, Tuesday, October 31, 2000
> Today I didn't receive any letter from you or other people...
> What's the matter?
> Sophia,
> Russia

I thought Sophia was in Bulgaria? No?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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