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Re: pronunciation help

In answer to Lucy Fisher:

fayer              FA-YER (the `FA' as in DO-RE-MI-FA)
zayn (your)        same as the German `SEIN'; it means `his', not `your'
heys (hot)         rhymes with `LACE'
aych (you)         same `AY' as in `ZAYN', ch is the guttural `KH'
zayt (time)        should be `TSAYT'; `AY' as above
....kayt (...ness) `AY' as above
zayger (clock)     should be `ZEYGER'; `EY' as in `HEYS'
kleyn (small)      `EY' as above
feyn (fine)        should be `FAYN'; `AY' as above
meyn (mine)        should be `MAYN'; `AY' as above

Eli Goodman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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