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Brooklyn Klezmer Workshops Begin With Free Open House Nov. 1

NOVEMBER 1, 2000.    

Congregation Beth Elohim, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, will sponsor a new series 
of hands-on klezmer ensemble workshops with acclaimed klezmer musician, 
composer and Yiddish singer Jeff Warschauer.   

The course is geared towards intermediate and advanced level participants who 
wish to gain ensemble experience.  All instruments are welcome, and no 
previous experience playing klezmer music is necessary.   

The Brooklyn Klezmer Workshops with Jeff Warschauer will meet Wednesday 
evenings from 7:30-9:30pm, from November 1 through December 13 (no class 
November 22) at Congregation Beth Elohim, 274 Garfield Place, Park Slope, 
Brooklyn.  The cost for the five paid sessions is $1OO for members of 
Congegration Beth Elohim, $14O for non-members.  

For more information, please call Congregation Beth Elohim at (718) 768-3814. 


Jeff Warschauer (guitar, mandolin, vocals) is known internationally as one of 
the foremost exponents of the klezmer mandolin, as an innovator in the 
development of a klezmer guitar style, as an expressive Yiddish singer, and 
as a skillful and inspirational teacher.  Jeff is also a composer whose music 
has been heard in films and theater productions, and on Public Radio 
International and HBO.  He has received two Meet the Composer grants from the 
State of New York and was awarded a 1990 Massachusetts Artists Fellowship.   
Jeff is a member of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, has performed with the 
Bolshoi Ballet, and has appeared with Itzhak Perlman on film, in concert and 
on two CDs. He was a prize-winning student at the Oxford University Summer 
Programme in Yiddish and returned to Oxford to lecture on klezmer music.  A 
graduate of the New England Conservatory, Jeff's solo CD, The Singing Waltz: 
Klezmer Guitar and Mandolin, on the Omega label, has received widespread 
critical acclaim.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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