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Sie Gra

I'd like strongly recommend new Polish CD of the group called "Sie Gra" /=es
>From the liner note:
Sie Gra is a Lublin quartet which draws inspiration from the traditional
music of Central Europe. This record contains songs and instumentals from
various regions, from Balkans up to the Baltic Sea regions. The musical
themes included were searched for by every possible means, from the
ethnographic research to the Net.
Have we succeeded in rendereing the spirit of the times when many nations,
Poles, Jews, Ukrainians nad Gypsies co-exixsted side by side on the
territory of the then Polish Republic?
CD is available on-line in the site:

Disclaimer: I'm  not connected with the band nor with record company

Jerzy Matysiakiewicz
jerzym (at) dom(dot)zabrze(dot)pl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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