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Re: klezkamp tape & "mizerlou" w/ chord progressions

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000 10:14:03 -0400, you wrote:

>Kobi et al:
>The tapes for KlezKamp are just to help us get a sense of where you 
>are musically so we can place you in the appropriate ensemble. No, we 
>won't tell you you can't be in something based on the tape.

oh thanks.

assuming you work for kk...
tell someone the flyers looked a lot like spam
but the logo was pretty cool, i admit.

at my [computer] student's / friend's house, i just recorded a wedding dance 
whose name i don't remember on a four-track -- melody and chords! i'd never 
done anything like that before! it was fun as hell and sounded great! cep 
something was weird so he couldn't mix it down to a normal tape but that's ok

(note: a four-track hacks a normal cassete tape, using side a left channel, 
side a right channel, side b left channel and side b right channel)

also -- he paid me $30 an hour when i was going to charge $20. more coolness!!

- Yakov the Interactive Bear

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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