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Seeking info for new CD

Hi everyone,
I'm looking for info to complete the liner notes to a new CD that I recently
completed recording with my friend and musical partner, pianist Warren Byrd.
The CD is a collection of piano and bass interpretations of African-American
and Jewish sacred music and is a follow-up to our 1998 release, "Avadim
Hayinu."  We've
recorded a whole new set of pieces for this album and the sound quality is
considerably better than our last effort (for one, its a studio recording
and not a live recording).  We are currently preparing an essay on the
pieces we recorded and I could use some help, suggestions, advice,
kibbitzing and nudging to get it in order.

Some questions I have are: Does anyone, for example, know the provenance of
some of the traditional melodies? When and how these pieces entered the
liturgical tradition?  Who has collected them in song books? When?
How old are these pieces?  Are there any interesting midrashic or Chassidic
tales that might accompany them?  Any personal anecdotes?

I'm looking for info on the following pieces:

1. Etz Chaim Hee-we recorded two melodic versions of this piece, the first
was the standard Ashkenazic version the second was one that I heard a number
of times in New York, the best description I can give of it is that its in
6/8 and has a strong minor melody that goes between the i and the V and then
does a little circle of fourths for the chord changes before circling round
to the opening section again and seems pretty contemporary.

2. Eliyahu HaHavi- yes, that one from Shabbos and Passover.  But where does
this song come from?

3.  Oseh Shalom-the Nurit Hirsch tune

4. Hineh Mah Tov U'mah Naim - we have made a medley that incorporate both
the 3/4 and 2/4 tunes.  Is there a known composer for this one?  Are there
two composers?  One for each?

The music is there, and I could write an interesting essay, but I'd like to
do more.  If you know anything about these pieces I would greatly appreciate
your advice and input.  Oh, and we are working on a pretty tight deadline.
I need to finish the essay by Thursday,  September 28.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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David Chevan
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St.
New Haven, CT 06517
(203) 392-6630

email: chevan (at) scsu(dot)ctstateu(dot)edu 
or check out my website by clicking here

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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