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Krakauer at Brandeis

This information was lifted directly from the Brandeis University website.
Thought some of you in the area of Boston may be interested. For any other
info contact the people or phone numbers given.



                     Thursday, Sept. 21-Saturday, Sept. 23
                     Musician Residency - Internationally renowned
                     clarinetist David Krakauer holds a three-day
                     residency program. Sponsored by Brandeis
                     Artfest 2000, The Hillel Foundation of
                     Brandeis, Department of Music. For more info
                     call 781-736-3581 or 3584. 

                     Thursday, Sept. 21
                     Seminar by Krakauer - Open to the public. For
                     more info call 736-3581 or 3584. Slosberg
                     Music Center, Room 212, 3-5 p.m. 
                     "Klezmer, Then and Now," by David Krakauer -
                     Lecture-Demonstration. Free and open to the
                     public. For more info call 736-3581 or 3584.
                     Schwartz Auditorium, 7 p.m. 

                     Friday, Sept. 22
                     Traditional Shabbat Dinner and Oneg Shabbat
                     Lecture" - Songs My Grandmother Taught
                     Me," by David Krakauer. Sponsored by
                     Brandeis Hillel. For questions and/or
                     reservations call 736-3581 or 3584. Dinner,
                     7:30 p.m. Sherman Function Hall. Lecture,
                     8:45 p.m., Luria 1,2,3. Dinner is $15 per

                     Saturday, Sept. 23
                     The Lydian String Quartet-A celebration of
                     Jewish culture with guest clarinetist David
                     Krakauer. For info call 736-3400. Tickets: $15,
                     $8 students and seniors. Slosberg Recital Hall,
                     8 p.m. Pre-concert lecture, 7 p.m. 

Judith S. Pinnolis
Reference Librarian
Coordinator for Publications and Training
Brandeis University Libraries
Goldfarb Library MS045
P.O Box 549110 
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
fax: 781-736-4719
email: pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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