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Re: Kolomeyke

Tayere Dr Klez and list members,
I was told once that the Ukrainian KOLMEYKE was caracteristically a fast melody 
with accentuation on the two last notes of the phrases (in comparition with the 
Ukrainian HOPAK with accentuation on the two first notes of the phrases). Both 
can be heard successively in 'Fun tashlikh' before and after a SKOCNE (sounding 
like a bagpipe). Is my information accurate?

Michel Borzykowski
12 chemin Franconis
CH-1290 Versoix
Suisse / Switzerland
tel (+41/22) 755.41.23
fax (+41/22) 776.14.94
e-mail: borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch
Geneva klezmer page:

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