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Re: 2001, which is the year of Islam

Budowitz Website:

Good question. I guess because the Europeans said so.

> On  5  QAugust,  Joshua  Horowitz  wrote:
> "2001, which is the year of Islam".
> Could  somebody  please  clarify  the  significance  of  2001.
> What,  in  particular,  makes  it  the  "year  of  Islam"?
> Moshe  Hochenberg
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joshua Horowitz" <horowitz (at) styria(dot)com>
> Islam and Jewish        August 5, 2000 5:26 PM
> Budowitz Website:
> I've been asked to advise on a program for 2001, which is the year of Islam.
> I need to propose one Islamic-oriented group or musician and one Jewish one
> (preferably with some connection, musically or even philosophically to
> Islam)
> Thanks, Josh Horowitz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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