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THE ETERNAL ROAD--a gevalt find!

Some of you know that, sadly, I lost my mother a few months ago.  With my 
father long gone, that's occasioned (again, sadly) a thorough 
cleaning/clearing up of our family home in Queens.

And what a find I found in our basement, underneath the piano sheet music I 
played as a child:  an *original* program, with the front cover separated 
(but still here!) and maybe the back cover gone, of THE ETERNAL ROAD, as 
produced at the Manhattan Opera House--and autographed, for some odd reason 
(!), by my Dad with the date of May 37 (no date)!

It's a 33-page-plus large-size program book, complete with photos, cast and 
credits, and essays about some of the principals, including an extended 
essay on Max Reinhardt (:  "The Man and the Artist") by Louis Nizer!  Plus 
an unsigned, for some reason, essay on Kurt Weill's music.

Just a gevalt, all around, and sitting there these many decades.  Just 
thought folks here, given our extended discussion a while back of the 
revived production in Brooklyn, would want to know.  I wonder how 
easy/difficult/impossible it is to secure a copy of this program book!

--Robert Cohen
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