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Re: Event schedule for "The Essential Klezmer" by Seth Rogovoy

>  Aug. 6 (Sunday): ROCKVILLE, MD
>   3:00 pm, Book signing and klezmer concert
>    Barnes & Noble
>   12089 Rockville Pike (and Randall’s Road, Montrose Crossing Shopping 
>   Rockville, MD 20852
>   301 881 2361

I first saw this announced at the actual Barnes & Noble.  Seth's announcement 
came later...  Anyway, I saw the name of the group playing, but I can't quite 
recall who they are.  I'll be stopping by there again sometime this week, and 
if you're willing to be patient, I'll send the info later this week...  
Peace.  --Jerusha

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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