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Re: more "classical" wedding klez

That's the perfect way to send an article to the list--by sending the URL. 
(This is especially important for copyright reasons.)

Thanks, Ed.

I think this is the same article that was posted earlier this week, but it's a 
good one, so anyone who missed it the first time around should catch it now. 
It's a review of the new Budowitz and Khevrisa albums. I thought it was a bit 
harsh on Steve Greenman, although I also hear what the reviewer was trying to 
say (in terms of over-ornamentation). 

Does anyone who has heard one or both new albums, and also heard Joel Rubin's 
"Beregovski's Khasene" want to comment? I liked the Rubin very much, and it is 
certainly a propos when discussing unknown, or less-well-known Jewish wedding 
repertoire (although, in this case, some Beregovski material has been available 
for decades). As with the Khevrisa album, the musicianship, to my ear, sounded 
quite excellent--Rubin is quite fine, and Kalman Balogh, the tsimbl player, is 
justly renowned on his own. The music didn't have the energy or feeling that I 
heard in Budowitz' recordings, but at that level of playing, I'd hate to be 
overly critical. I've also heard people describe the Rubin Beregovski album as 
everything from "elevator music" to "brilliant."


At 04:07 PM 7/22/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello to all chaverim of Jewish Music.
>I?m new to the list, so please forgive me if I?ve committed a faux pas.
>This is just a quick heads-up about an interesting article that appeared
>in the National Post newspaper in Canada, on July 18.
>Called ?Looking back before it's too late?, it?s a piece about recreating
>early and ?Old World? klezmer and other Jewish Music. The URL is:
>I also have it as a Word8 doc file should anyone have difficulty accessing
>that link.
>A gutten shabbos to all,
>Ed Sieb
>sieb (at) sympatico(dot)ca

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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