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A dank and two other questions...

To Lucy, Jenifer, Jeffrey, Elliott, Owen, Eli....
(hope I don't forget anybody):
A dank, Thank you, for the translations of "Hote'gezugt"!

To all the list members ...
Two other questions:
Does anybody know the missing (...) lyrics of the traditional welcome and 
wedding song 'Lomir ale':
(Lomir ale, ale in eynem, khusen kale... trinkn a gleyzele wayn).
Does anybody know the autor (music and lyrics) of the beautiful song "Mamele":
(ot zey ikh wi du tsinst dos likht fun shabes, di shrina royt un laykht oyf 
dayn gezikht,
haylik yedes wort, gliklekh er dos hot dikh benshn wi likht...)


Michel Borzykowski
12 chemin Franconis
CH-1290 Versoix
tel (+41/22) 755.41.23
fax (+41/22) 776.14.94
e-mail: borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch
Geneva klezmer page:

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