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storing the flambini

Re: Tsimbl workshops at Klez Kanada and getting there in one piece: 

Due to the overwhelming response flooding onto my desk about tsimbls in the
air and how to deal with airlines, I felt compelled to relay information
about what to do with your tsimbl if you decided to take a side trip to NYC:

One solution is leaving the instrument in storage through a service at the
airport. Last time I did that it cost 5.00 USD per day per bag + 10.00
pick-up charge. The storage company comes right to the gate, you fill out a
form and they take it away in a van, returning it to your gate when you
reconnect. Very practical and smoothe.  Here is the address of the service
in New York:

Baggage Service: Perfect Courier JFK, New York: (718) 322-6600, La Guardia
(718) 529-0082, EWR: (201) 961-4580. Costs 5.00 per day per bag + 10.00
pick-up charge.

To the conductor's of the cymbal orchestra's of Poltava, Shitomir and

Da, there are no limits as to how many people can attend the workshops, so
300 participants is fine. Nyet, there is no dress code. White dress shoes
and checkered pants are fine, and the vests with the American flag patterns
with mirror sequins would be delightful for the workshop concerts. If you do
decide to take the side-trip to New York, you can wear them as street
clothes. That way you won't stick out.

Josh Horowitz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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