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back from vacation

Shalom Chevre,

Just wanted to post a quick message to say that several list members
were absolutely fantastic at the London International Jewish Music
Festival--Hankus gave a great talk, as did Joel Bresler and Judy
Pinnolis, and Judith Cohen not only gave her usual great lecture,
but then treated us to a lunchtime concert.

Since a solid week with four evening concerts and four lunchtime
concerts wasn't enough, post-conference, I caught John Zorn in one 
of his not-specifically-Jewish ensembles (with Fred Frith, most
notably, who pushed him to a much higher level of intensity than
I've seen in the last few years).

But I'm back. Hopefully, subscriptions and list problems are now 
caught up, and Big Ben is playing klezmer ;-).

I'll have some notes and pix up in a few days, I hope, once I'm over
jet lag....


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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