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Re: Handel's doorbell

-- Budowitz Home Page:

I just checked my score of Haendel's Messiah, and the notes are there as you
describe in the intro, and many parts of the melody of the soprano do in
fact sound like bell chimes. Hm. J.

>>It is also said
>>that the tune is based on the fifth bar of the opening of Handel's Aria ``I
>>know that my Redeemer liveth''.
> Josh, in case you don't have ready access to The Messiah score, I checked my
> Novello version against what Helen found.  If I have the right bar, it at
> least suggests the pattern, but only just.  What you're looking for seems to
> go 3 2 1 5  5 2 3 1 (the 5ths being descending).  What I get from the "aria"
> (air) is 3 2 1 5  3 2 1 1, but the 3 and 2 in the second part are an octave
> lower than in the first and the last tonic note is played an octave *up*:
> G#F#EG#  G#(octave down)F#(octave down)E E (octave up).
> Cheers,
> J

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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