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Re: Who is Ben Zimet?

In a message dated 6/27/0 6:01:58 AM, borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch writes:

<< Ben Zimet is a pretty good yiddish singer, actually living in France and

usually featuring with Talila (vocals)  Eddie SCHAFF (accordion) and Pierre>>

Dear Michel,

Ben Zimet has been recording a number of years in France. A few years ago, 
his wife Talila became quite popular, but has not done anything as of late 
and her popularity has waned a bit, though I hear there is a new recording in 
the works by them.

Once a year, the local NPR station in Los Angeles, KCRW, does a 3 hour 
program on Yiddish music, I help "program" the show. When I first 
"discovered" Talila's recordings, I sent them to the program director and 
suggested her recordings which I liked very much.  On the program, they 
played 4 songs form her CD, and Talila became quite a local celebrity. For 
the next 3 years, she was the best selling Yiddish artist at Hatikvah.

<< Voices of the Ghetto WMD 242066>>
Compilation of various artists and has been out of print for about 3 or 4 
Ben Zimet did not perform on these CD, but Talila did 3 songs.

<<"Papirossn": Talila chante le Yiddish, (1992) Chants du Monde LDX 274 956>>
this is a solo CD by Talila (though Zimet does a little scatting on "Bie Mir 
Bistu Shein". 

<<"Yiddish Café",Arion ARN 64042  (33rpm ARN34360)>>
Yiddish Cafe is a 2 Cd set made in France sung primarily by Talila

<<"International Yiddish Festival , Cracovie1990", Kunstlertreff EK 171056>>
another compilation featuring artist from all over the world including our 
own Klezmer Conservatory Band.  Zimet does two solos and one with Talila

<<Chants yiddish, Buda 82440 by Ben Zimet>>
NOT my favorite recording!

"Yiddish" by Talila.   Now out of print (but we've still got 'um). Great 
version of "Oy Mame Bin Ich Farleibt" and 'Yid'l Mit'n Fidl"

Talila is to perform in Poland on July 5.

For more Talila

Hatikvah Music


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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