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Re: searching for obscure objects

Our library (University of Calgary) is on Web Cat--is that the same thing as 
World Cat?

What I have found is that there doesn't seem to be a lot published in the 
way of actual dance descriptions.  The little book I found from 1942 is by 
Nathan Vizonsky and describes 10 dances and has music for each dance.  
However, the descriptions are more for the stage than for recreational 
settings.  I understand there is quite a bit written in Hebrew.  Slowly I've 
been coming across bits and pieces of dance information in books and have 
been posting it on my web page.  But very little of it is comprehensive 
enough to completely describe the dance so that you can do it or teach it to 

The most frequent comment I get from people who visit my page is that they 
have never heard of these dances before.  They've only come across Israeli 


Helen Winkler
Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com

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