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Re: pressing matters?

In a message dated 5/31/00 11:47:26 AM, you wrote:

<<Sholem aleykhem khaverim,

Those of you who produce your own recordings, how many CDs or cassettes
do you usually print of any given product?  How many do you end up
selling, if I'm not being too nosy?


Aleichem Sholem

I think it totally depends how many friends/relatives/fans you have, how many 
gigs you do, and what your distribution methods will be.  It seems like for a 
minimum you need to get somewhere between 250 and 500 CD's or tapes-- getting 
100 will be just about as expensive.  Beyond that, depending on prices and 
economy of scale, I recommend the "you can always buy more" principle.  
Increasingly, CD's sell better than tapes, but enough people either don't 
have CD players or like the tapes for the car, that I still like to get those 

For our first Yale Klezmer Band CD (Nokh a Glezele Vayn) we made 1000 CD's 
and 500 tapes, and I still have about 300 of each in my basement (the others 
presumably being sold, given away, etc.).  Our Klezmaniacs (teenage klezmer 
band from Boston) CD "Nokh A Mohl!" (Play It Again!) sold out its first 
printing of 500 CD's and 300 tapes, and we are working our way through the 
second batch.  It definitely feels way more cool to sell out a batch, even a 
smaller one, than to have an endless supply in storage.  

Good luck!  What group is making the CD, and if it is not classified 
information, what is some of the repertoire?  

                Cantor Ken

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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