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Re: By the Waters of Babylon (Ps. 137)--Boney M

For those interested in Ps. 137: Beautiful, beautiful version on "La Rocque 
'n' Roll - Popular Music of Renaissance France / The Baltimore Consort", 
cut 15:  Estans assis aux rives aquatiques (Ps. 137). Nothing "Jewish" 
about it, save the text, but it's wonderful.

I've introduced it at my minyan and we have sung it on Tisha B'av.



At 10:30 AM 5/9/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Bob et al.:  I have this version (I actually obsessively collect versions 
>of the 137th Psalm, though I doubt that's worth noting on formal or 
>informal catalogues), on a 45 rpm which is labeled as coming from an LP (I 
>think) entitled NIGHTFLIGHT TO VENUS (?!).  The "composers," however, are 
>listed as "F. Farian/Reyam," whereas the "composers" on my LP copy of the 
>music from THE HARDER THEY COME are given as "B. Dowe/F. McNaughton."
>Hope that's helpful.  BTW, the words beginning "May the meditations of my 
>heart"--usually modified in these reggae versions (e.g., the singular 
>possessive is changed to a plural, both times)--are from Psalms 19:15 and 
>are incorporated into the davening at various points. Some versions--in 
>particular, the Delawater Water Gap's--have a few words at the very end 
>which I often (as in the case of DWG) am not sure I understand.
>>From: "robert wiener" <wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com>
>>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>>Subject: "Jewish" Rock?
>>Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 16:02:52 -0400
>>How about Boney M's "Rivers of Babylon"?
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Joel Bresler
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