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Yiddishe Cup: near Branson

YIDDISHE CUP Concert This Saturday:

Near Branson. Specifically, Nevada, Mo. (That's "Na-vey-da," YIVO-niks.)
8 p.m. Sat., April 15
Cottey College (two hours south of KC, Mo.)
Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts Auditorium
Ticket office: 417-667-8181.

Yiddishe Cup's does Billy Hodes' "Essen," Slim Gaillard's "Meshugene
Mambo," the Barry Sisters' "Zug es mir nokh amol," "My Yiddishe Mama"
rock-style, Mickey Katz's "That's Morris."  Plus the usual stuff. You know,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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