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[no subject]

As a list rookie (I joined two days ago), I'll jump in with both feet re: a
couple of recent comments.

Re: non-Jews not "understanding" the music:  If anyone said that to me about
Irish music, I would be offended and hurt.  I have been an enthusiast and
player of Planxty-Bothy Band-Andy Irvine-type material for about as long as
I've been interested in klezmer -- from the mid-seventies, during the first
"Celtic" revival that mirrored the so-called klezmer revival (which, of
course, Sapoznik says really wasn't a revival).  

Re: playing _Hatikva_ in a major scale sounding like _I'm a Little Teapot._
The American humorist Roy Blount, Jr. once noted that _It's Howdy Doody
Time_ had an unsettling resemblance to _La donna e mobile_.

Re: Zorn.  I see there's a lot of interest in him on the list.  Anybody have
views on Uri Caine's take on Mahler?

Jeffrey Miller
(Hello, everybody.  Your list-serve is fascinating and fun.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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