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Fwd: The Kugel Valley Klezmer Band


I was so tickled at the idea of a children's book about a klezmer
band that I had to forward this on to the list. The book appears to
be available only from Canadia sources, although with the web, that
isn't as inconvenient as one might think.


>I don't know if you've seen this picture book. It's a starred selection
>of the Canadian Children's Book Centre and is a wonderful story. I don't
>know of any other picture books about Klezmer.
>The Kugel Valley Klezmer Band
>by Joan Betty Stuchner, illustrated by Richard Row
>published Scholastic Canada
>It can be purchased online at
>Diane Kerner, 104435(dot)1727 (at) compuserve(dot)com
>(p.s. full disclosure: I am the book's editor.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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