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Re: Barton Brothers CD -Blatant Advertisement! #1

In a message dated 3/8/0 8:05:01 AM, billb978 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< I read in the liner notes of one of the Barton Brothers' subsequent albums 
that their first record, "Joe & Paul", sold 3,000,000 copies.  I wonder how 
many other Jewish music recordings went triple-platinum?

-- Bill B.
__ >>

It's hard to say how many copies of that recording were sold. They never 
received an accounting of royalties, and after a few payments they never 
received any payments at all....even though the recording sold well over a 
million.  Even though there is a cassette being produce in NY of The Barton 
Brothers, it is a counterfeit recording, and Eddie Barton hasn't seen a 
single penny from this companywhose specialty is "FRUM" music.  Our CD of 
"Joe & Paul-The Best of The Barton Brothers" is the only recording by the 
Barton Brothers for which a royalty has been paid in over 40 years!
I spoke to Eddie Barton yesterday, and he's still performing and sees some of 
the "old timers" on a regular basis.
By the way, the liner notes in the booklet to the CD were written by list 
member, and music maven, Skip Heller!
 See The Barton Brothers at:
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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