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Re: Protocols on B & N

I also didn't see it under Judaica at, although they do
carry it.

BTW, according to B&N, customers who bought this book also bought:
                   Microsoft Excel 2000, Shelley O'Hara,Angela
Wethington (Editor),Bruce Dean (Illustrator)
                   Machine Shop Training Course, Franklin Day Jones


-----Original Message-----
From: Lori Cahan-Simon <l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Monday, March 06, 2000 6:58 AM
Subject: Protocols on B & N

>Did you actually go to B & N's website?  I did.  I did not see it
>under Judaica, although they do carry it along with 3 other books
>relating to
>its fraudulence.  Only 1 of the reviews for all the books listed was
>anti-semetic.  Check it out.  Just because something is on the web,
>mean it's true.  About 1/2 of the medical info is said to be false.
>>  This is not music related, but I do believe it is an important
>>  received this from another list to which I subscribe.
>>  <  I checked his information and unfortunately, it is indeed
>>  Joyce Levine
>>  Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
>>  Uniondale, NY
>>  Chevra,
>>  I have learned that Barnes and Noble is carrying this notorious
>>  anti-Semitic book
>>  both online and in its stores under the Judaica category.  If
>>  that were all, Dayenu.  I am sorry to report that the situation
>>  is even worse, for Barnes and Noble has "customer reviews" on
>>  its website to spread even more lies and hatred to the whole
>>  world.  I quote the following horrible "review" verbatim:
>>  Number of Reviews: 2    Average Rating:  5 Stars
>>  L.Weinman, a History Professor from NY, November 1, 1999,
>>  You cannot argue facts using censorship...
>>  The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, issued by Theodore
>>  Herzl to the Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland in
>>  1897. He outlines a plan for world power by gaining control of
>>  the media, politicians, governments, etc., to build the 'New
>>  World Order.' Written 100 years ago, today we can see it's plans
>>  becoming a reality before our very own eyes. Confronting the
>>  historical events that took place after the book was written and
>>  the plans outlined inside it, provides an iron proof of the book
>>  authenticity.
>>  Rabbi Eric A. Silver of Cheshire, CT has written the following
>>  response, and I have followed suit.  I urge you to check this
>>  out on the Barnes and Noble website and consider sending them
>>  the same message:
>>       "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is an anti-Semitic
>>  forgery created to disparage Jews and to disseminate hatred.  I
>>  was appalled to discover that you are listing the book on your
>>  internet site under Judaica, and concurrently, carrying it in
>>  your stores under the same heading.
>>       "Since I am a believer in freedom of the press, I would
>>  question only your judgment in carrying the book at all, since
>>  it is a scurrilous, hate-mongering text.  However, you do not
>>  have the right to carry it under the rubric of "Judaica" because
>>  that is what it manifestly is not.  Would you carry a book
>>  written by the KKK purporting to be an African-American plot to
>>  take over the world as "Black Literature?"  In the name of
>>  honesty, I insist that you not participate in the
>>  misrepresentation of this book as "Judaica."  Perhaps you should
>>  create a separate category called "hate-literature" or
>>  "propaganda" and carry it there with the disclaimer that the
>>  book is, in fact, a forgery.  That in the name of honesty.
>>       "In the name of sheer decency, you should not carry the book
>>  at all.  In the name of responsible business practices, you owe
>>  it to your customers to act immediately and unequivocally, and
>>  to cease being a partner in a fraudulent venture that has cost
>>  untold thousands of lives.
>>       "I will not patronize Barnes and Noble, its internet site or
>>  its stores, until you do something to remedy this situation.  I
>>  will do my level best to advise as many people as I can of the
>>  fact that you are carrying this scurrilous anti-Semitic tract
>>  and are misrepresenting it as "Judaica" rather than the
>>  hate-literature it is."
>>  Cantor Daniel Green
>>  Congregation B'nai Israel
>>  Toms River, New Jersey>>
>>  Amazon also carries this title.
>>  Simon
>>  Hatikvah
>>  ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org

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