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Re: Book on German-jewish Folk Music

HI Steve,

yes I have that book.. The book is a mass of archive collected materials
with no register or source information, no bibliography, so you have to
trust him on every account. I think its a shameful piece of scholarship,
myself, though a seemingly good source of minuscae. I spoke to him on
the phone once. He's retired now. After that he never answered my
letters and questions about his ideas, etc. For me he belongs to the
ivory tower class of scholars typical in these countries, who remain
untouchable due to title. No interest in dialogue. He wrote another book
on the Spielman (flk musician) in the Middle ages. It's difficult to
read and also questionable in terms of accountability. I'm still
recovering from an ear infection, but things are starting to look
better... Take care... Josh
>    Jüdische Musikanten und Tänzer vom 13. bis 20.
> Jahrhundert : "--denn die Fiedel macht das Fest" / Walter Salmen.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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