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Klezfest, 2000 in Ukraine

For everyone, who performs, composes and teaches Jewish music!

To all musicians, who is not indifferent to melodies of the Jews of East

For everyone, whom the destiny of the Jewish folklore is not

The first time in Ukraine
With support of Fund of development of Jewish communities in
Russia and in Ukraine (New York)
The Center of Jewish education in Ukraine,
from August 27 till August 31 will spend a seminar on study of
traditions and modern interpretation of  Klezmer music.

If names Sidy Tal, Michael Epelbaum, Michael Alexandrovich and other
performers of Jewish music force often to beat your hearts and you aspire to
tops of performer skills - specially for you in the program of the  seminar:

Master - classes on vocal under the direction of the known connoisseur of
the Jewish
folklore, pianist, singer, artistic administrator of theatre "FOLKSBINE"
MLOTEK (New York) and talented singer and uncommon interpreter the Jewish
songs Adrianne Cooper (New York);

Master - classes for instrumentalists under the direction of the conducting
well known Klezmer group "KLEZMATICS" Frank London (New York);

Yiddish lessons for all. The lessons will be carried out in groups according
to a level
of preparation under the direction of the qualified teachers;

Interactive lectures about the Jewish musical folklore based on materials of
practical expeditions and hand-written archives; an exchange of experience
in collecting of a musical material;

Practical lessons on a technique of work in the Jewish musical collective;

The help in search of the information and updating of repertoire. A novelty
of a
The review of resources of the Internet for the Jewish musicians.

For those who successfully has worked as day - daily evening programs,
"round tables", excursion, sea walk.

In the program of a seminar the changes are probable.

It'll cost $ 500 for 5 days and cover training courses, two concerts, food,
interpreter, but not include your costs for the transportation. This event
will take place
in Evpatoria city, it is 60 km from international airport Simpheropol. We'll
the meeting at the airport free of charge.

The amount of the participants of a seminar is limited. The application
forms for participation in a
seminar should be sent in organizing committee not later by June 15, 2000.
 The applications which
have arrived after this term, will not be examined.

The additional information can be received by addresses:

The Fund of Development of Jewish Communities in Russia and Ukraine
989 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018,
Ph: 212-736-2597 or 800-889-7146 Fax: 212-736-3463
jcdf (at) jws(dot)org

The Center of the Jewish education in Ukraine,
6, Kurskaya str. # 37,
02049, Kiev, Ukraine
Ph/Fax: (380-44) 276-74-31, 276-12-14,271-71-44
E-mail: center (at) cjeu(dot)carrier(dot)kiev(dot)ua


Group A vocalists, leaders of choruses and vocal ensembles, music teachers
of Jewish
schools, composers, musicologists
Group B  all instrumentalists

August 27 2000, Sunday

10:00 - 13:00   Registration and accommodation of the participants of a
13:45 - 14:45   Lunch
15:00-15:45     Opening of a seminar, announcement of the program,
performance of the teachers,
production of the purposes and tasks

16:00 - 17:30   Preparation to " to a round table "

17:45 - 18:45   Dinner
19:00   " A Round table ", concert - acquaintance to the participants of a

August 28 2000, Monday

8:00-8:30       Rise, dancing program
8:30-9:00       Breakfast
9:15 - 10:35    Introduction in Yiddish language culture. Lexicon of
acquaintance and greetings
and its reflection in the Jewish folklore songs. "Alef-Beys" and fundamentals
of reading on Yiddish.
(Arcady Gendler, Mila Sholohova)
10:45 - 12:15   Master class
Group A: Traditional Songs Style (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
 Group B: Instruments (Frank London)
12:25 - 13:55   Ensemble
Group A : Chorus (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instrumental ensemble (Frank London)
14:00 - 14:45   Lunch
15:00-16:20     Special studies
Group A: The Jewish settlements in East Podoliye. The Jewish musical life.
Study of the Jewish musical
folklore on Podoliye (historical excursion) . Principles of "field work" in
modern conditions (Gusak

Group B: Music in a context of the Jewish traditional education. (Mary
16:30 - 17:35   Lectures (Zalmen Mlotek)
17:45 - 18:30   Dinner
18:40 - 20:00   Walk to the sea

20:30   Monitoring: musical life in the Jewish communities. Problems of
management in the Jewish community. (Conducting - Mary Gutahova and Mila

August 29 2000, Tuesday

8:00-8:30       Rise, dancing program
8:30-9:00       Breakfast
9:15 - 10:35    Lexicon on a subject "The Jewish family " (" a yidishe
mishpokhe ") and its use
in song folklore. "Alef-Beys" and fundamentals of reading on Yiddish.
(continuation of a subject,
practical lessons) (Arcady Gendler, Mila Sholohova).
10:45 - 12:15   Master class
Group A: Traditional Songs Style (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instruments (Frank London)
12:25 - 13:55   Ensemble
Group A : Chorus (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instrumental ensemble (Frank London)
14:00 - 14:45   Lunch
15:00-16:20     Group A: Jewish - Ukrainian - Moldavian connections in
musical folklore of Ukraine.
(Gusak Raisa)

Group B: Use of the Jewish songs for development of musical hearing of
children.  (Mary
16:30 - 17:35   Lectures (Adrienne Cooper)
17:45 - 18:30   Dinner
18:40 - 20:00   Walk to the sea

20:30   "A Round table" by results of folklore expeditions.
Tasks and experience of study of the Jewish musical folklore in a higher
school on an example of work of
folklore ensemble of the Kiev University of culture and arts
 (Conducting - Mary Gutahova and Mila Sholohova)

August 30 2000, Wednesday

8:00-8:30       Rise, dancing program
8:30-9:00       Breakfast
9:15 - 10:35    Yiddish in song tradition of Chassids. "Alef-Beys" and
fundamentals of reading on
Yiddish (continuation of a subject, practical lesson). Specific lexicon of
songs (interlacing of elements of
lexicon Yiddish, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Russian and other languages). The Jewish
national proverbs on
Yiddish about songs, musicians and musical tools.
(Arcady Gendler, Mila Sholohova).
10:45 - 12:15   Master class
Group A: Traditional Songs Style (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instruments (Frank London)
12:25 - 13:55   Ensemble
Group A : Chorus (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instrumental ensemble (Frank London)
14:00 - 14:45   Lunch
15:00-16:20     Group A: Freylahs in folklore assembly of M. Beregovsky.
(Gusak Raisa)
Group B: Open lesson on the basis of a traditional musical material.
Interaction of vocal and
choreographic elements during preparation of the musical programs.  (Mary
16:30 - 17:35   Lectures  Jewish Musical resources of Internet (Yana
17:45 - 18:30   Dinner
18:40   Sea walk by the steam-ship

August 31 2000, Thursday

8:00-8:30       Rise, dancing program
8:30-9:00       Breakfast
9:15 - 10:35    Preparation for an evening concert
10:45 - 12:15   Master class
Group A: Traditional Songs Style (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instruments (Frank London)
12:25 - 13:55   Ensemble
Group A : Chorus (Zalmen Mlotek, Adrienne Cooper)
Group B: Instrumental ensemble (Frank London)
14:00 - 14:45   Lunch
15:00   Departure in Simferopol. A final concert

September 1 2000, Friday

8:00-8:30       Rise, dancing program
8:30-9:00       Breakfast
9:15    Departure of participants

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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