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Re: "Jewish Culture Treasureö in Ukraine"ö

In a message dated 2/11/0 3:03:37 AM, wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com writes:

<< I thought that I had accurate information about the distributor of

?Jewish Culture Treasureö in Ukraine"ö in the States, but when I got

around to contacting him (albeit only by snail mail) I had no success

(although the mail hasn't been "returned to sender").  Can anyone else

out there give me a lead?  I think that Simon was trying to get this

CD himself.


Dear Bob,
I have been trying for such a long time to get these CDs that I have finally 
given up. I have made numerous calls to the Ukraine and spoke to the "big 
mucky muck" and worked out an arrangement to receive the product....MANY 
times.  There was a contact in the States who was representing the product 
for the Ukraine, and I spoke to him numerous times as well. Each time I was 
told the product would be shipped soon. the last time I contacted them was 
about 6 months ago.
I have since given up and have no intention of starting that again!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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