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Metropolitan Klezmer & Isle of Klezbos recordings/gig

Great to see this interest re: women in klezmer.  Just want to clarify where 
to find music from Metropolitan Klezmer & the all-female Isle of Klezbos, 
both of which I lead.  Metropolitan Klezmer's YIDDISH FOR TRAVELERS is 
distributed throughout North America & Europe by Stern's Music, and is at 
many chain stores (Tower, Virgin, etc.) &/or can be ordered through their 
World Music dep'ts; or from the Public Radio Music Source, Tara, a bisl 
y'kayt, Judaica shops, plus many sources on the web etc.; see our website at for details, bio's, & links to soundclips, incl 
new ones at 

A preview: members of Isle of Klezbos will be guest artists on Metro's 2nd CD 
being recorded next week (in addition to the three of us who are in both 
groups -- Pam Fleming, trumpet/flugelhorn; Deborah Karpel, vocals; & myself 
on drums -- Rachelle Garniez will be featured in a Yiddish swing accordion 
cameo plus harmony vocals, while Debra Kreisberg is to appear on several 
tracks playing clarinet and alto sax).  I'll follow this up with a posting 
about the upcoming Isle of Klezbos gig in NYC later this month at Makor, 
Thurs 2/24.

Hope this is helpful.  Happy listening!

Eve Sicular  
Metropolitan Klezmer/Isle of Klezbos
151 First Ave #145, NYC  10003 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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