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RE: New Chava Alberstein Yiddish compilation On Sale

In a message dated 2/4/0 12:13:05 PM, lkoenick (at) erols(dot)com writes:

Consider this my order for this, too.  BTW, what is happening with my order 
for The Art of Klezmer Clarinet?  Can they both be sent.  You can probably 
get my Credit Card No. from that one.   Use it for this one too.  Let me 

Hi Leonard,
The Cds were not released on time, so everything was received late. You cd 
went out 3 days ago, and you might actually get it today or tomorrow. I have 
your CR # so I will send Chava Alberstein out today. (I'm already sold out of 
that and I only posted it last nite).
Thanks Again

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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