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Re: The Flamingos

robert wiener wrote:
> Some time ago the Flamingos were identified here as a Jewish doo wop
> group.  Below is an excerpt from the All Music Guide.  My question is,
> what is a "black Jewish church"?
>                            Both prolific and seminal in their
> influence and impact, the
>                            Flamingos may have been the greatest
> harmonizing vocal
>                            ensemble ever, and were certainly among the
> premier units of the
>                            doo wop/R&B era. Cousins Jake and Zeke
> Carey moved to
>                            Chicago from Baltimore in 1950. They met
> Paul Wilson and
>                            Johnny Carter at the Church of God and
> Saints of Christ
>                            Congregation, a black Jewish church.
> Bob
Jewish church? That's somewhat new. Jews have been sitting in the
synagogues but not in churches... I can't understand this moment.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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