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The Lost Jewish Music of Philadelphia

A few people have asked me about several obscure projects I've been involved 
with, so I'm sending info.  These are offshoots of the work I've done on 
reconstructing Philadelphia's klezmer rep of the early twentieth century (My 
dissertation, and believe me, I'll let you know when I'm done).  

There's a video entitled "A Joyful Noise," available from Arthur Cantor 
Films, 1501 Broadway, Suite 403, New York, NY, 10036 (800)-237-3801.  Nice 
footage of Phila. catering halls, my parents, and a party for a Persian lamb 

There's also a cassette (The Lost Jewish Music of Philadelphia) available 
from Jackie Borock - (215) 922-6667.  It features Joe Borock on clarinet, 
Elaine Hoffman Watts on Drums, Harold Singer on Bass, Susan Sandler and 
Marvin Katz on trumpet and myself on acc. and piano.  It features, among 
other things, a full length Phila. Russian Sher (many sections), and is 
generally one funky tape (speaking of homemade recordings).  If any of you 
distributors decide to carry the cassette, please let us know.   --Hankus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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