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Re: Margot Leverett in Boston (and, by the way, also in New York)!

She'll be using the folks who were on her album, most of whom are
from Boston--David Harris, Evan Hollander, Jim Guttman, etc. Get the
album and you'll see the whole cast. It's because everyone is from 
Boston that we became part of the tour. I can't believe I'll be out 
of town. These are going to be exciting concerts.


At 08:29 AM 1/6/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I was very pleased to get a post card yesterday from Traditional
>Crossroads saying that Margot Leverett will be performing in New York
>and Boston to celebrate the release of her new CD. The dates/times:
>Jan 16th       1:30 & 3:00
>107 Norfolk St
>Jan 18th       8:30 & 10:00
>Johnny Ds
>17 Holland St.
>Sommerville, MA
>I wonder who she will be using as side musicians?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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