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RE: A Tangent to What is Jewish Music

> Another possible name is "Jewish Americana".  "Americana" being
> the genre-titling afforded post-Dylan's like Lucinda Williams,
> Dave Alvin, Lyle Lovett etc.  It seems to be defined by accoustic
> guitars and lyrics written by people who labor with intelligence
> and craftsmanship.

unfortunately a lot of this music features very pop-shmaltzy arrangements
which mitigate against the "Americana" label, which implies a sort of
organic, rootsy approach (such as that favored by the artists named above).
So "Jewish Americana" would have to be a subset of the "Contemporary
American Jewish Music" genre, or whatever we decide to call it.

--Seth Rogovoy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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