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lekha dodi

Dear all,

I'm collecting (to play them in a medley) different versions of "lekha dodi". I 
already know three versions: the ashkenaz one we sing in Geneva (also on the CD 
of Bente Kahan "Yiddishkeit), one from Breslaw (sung at the klezcamp 1998-99) 
and one sepharad, as sung by Rosa Saragoza.
If you have a score (or recording) of another version and are willing to share 
it with me, please send me a mail or write!
Thanks in advance.

Michel Borzykowski
12 chemin Franconis
CH-1290 Versoix
tel (+41/22) 755.41.23
fax (+41/22) 776.14.94
e-mail: borzykowski (at) infomaniak(dot)ch
homepage (nouvelle adresse):

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