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NYC Yiddish Song/Vocal Styling Class

New York City - New Class in Traditional Yiddish Song
                                and Vocal Styling

I thought some list members might be interested in knowing about a new class in
traditional Yiddish songs and vocal styling that has just begun in New York 

The course is designed not merely to teach repertoire but to also to help 
learn to use their voices like the best of the traditional Yiddish singers.
Students will learn how to use produce their voices naturally, (akin to the way
children and traditional/ethnic singers around the world sing), and will learn
how to sing with maximum comfort, clarity and control with a minimum of effort.
Working with original field recordings of immigrant singers, we will learn how 
hear and reproduce stylistic elements, such as specific vocal ornaments,
microtonal scales, and vocal phrasing, that are the essence of beautiful
old-style Yiddish singing.

Repertoire will include traditional (folk) songs, nineteenth century ballads, 
early twentieth century compositions, and will somewhat follow the wishes of the
students in the class.  Students will work both as a group and individually.

The class meets on alternate Saturday afternoons from 2 to 4pm. (The next 
will be on Saturday, January 8th.) There are only a few openings in this class,
as class size is limited to eight people, but if there is sufficient interest we
will start a second weeknight section.

For information, please contact Carol Freeman at:
Telephone:  212-255-7890 (after 12 noon, please)
E-mail:  tsipra (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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