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Sam Medoff Concert

Hi guys,
Sorry for the late notice. There will be a concert at the Museum of Jewish 
Heritage in NYC on Sunday, December 26th, at 12:00. A six piece ensemble will 
be presenting a selection of tunes reconstructing the music of Sam Medoff and 
the Yiddish Swingtette, a radio group which featured Dave Tarras on the 
Jewish Clarinet chair. The group is under the direction of Greg Wall (of 
Chasidic New Wave). I will be playing Trumpet in the group. I don't have any 
info, but the Museum is near Battery Park, and is easily reached. Aaron 
Alexander is the Drummer, Brian Glassman is Bassist, Mitch Schecter, Piano, 
and a Vibes player...hmmm, didn't get his last name, but he is a wonderful 
Vibist whose first name is Jean Baptiste something or other in French. We 
have been preparing and rehearsing for a while now, and it is really great 
stuff. If you can, come by and check it out. 

Jordan Hirsch

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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