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Re: Rockin Rebbetzin and kol isha

I certainly wish the show, and the Garners, well and hatzlachah, but I do 
want to footnote the article Michelle (Michele?) enclosed in two related 
respects:  1) For self-proclaimed (and indeed, they were) students and 
followers of Shlomo Carlebach to ask for rabbinic dispensation to play 
women's voices where they might be heard by men strikes me as a little 
weird--Shlomo's decision in regards to this matter was an essential turning 
point in his entire religious vocation and biography; and 2) Even if one 
were to feel the need for halachic guidance on this matter, the question of 
kol isha is, as we have amply documented on this list, far, far, more 
complex, subtle, and modulated than a simple "Assur" (Forbidden) might 
suggest (though in any case, Shlomo, again, was more interested in ways to 
say Yes--which is hard--than ways to say No--which is easy).  In particular, 
contrary to the impression left by the reporter--I hope the Garners did not 
contribute to leaving him/her? w/ that impression--many authorities who do 
hold by kol isha nevertheless consider that it doesn't apply to hearing 
women's voices on the radio in any case.  (See, as has been previously noted 
here, David Bleich on this in one of his Halachic Problems volumes--I can, 
again, supply specific annotation if needed, and he, in turn, provides 
specific, and numerous, sources.)  I haven't been able to listen to the show 
but would like to, and imagine it's a good thing--maybe a wonderful thing.  
But I'm sorry that it's being presented--right down to the reference (Is it 
only the reporter's?  Or the Garners'?) to "Orthodox" women singing--but 
Shlomo encouraged Jewish women generally, *not* just Orthodox women, to sing 
(and to compose, and share, their own music). Subject, obviously, to 
Michelle's taste, I hope she's playing Jewish music from women from *all* 
segments of amcha--and if she isn't, I would encourage her to do so and 
would be pleased to suggest some material. -- Robert Cohen

>From: OrPnimi (at) aol(dot)com
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Fwd: Rockin Rebbetzin
>Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 12:23:33 EST
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