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not music, but important

Can any of you confirm whether or not this is true?

>>> Pressure is being put on the Jewish community in Prague by the Czech
>>> government to allow the Ceska Pojistovna insurance company to build
>>> residential properties on the site currently occupied by the old Jewish
>>> cemetery in the Jewish Quarter of Prague.   The cemetery is 800 years
>>> and, having survived the Nazi destruction of Jewish religious sites in
>>> Central and Eastern Europe, is the last of its kind.  The cemetery
>>> contains the grave of, amongst other great luminaries, the Maharal
>>> Judah Loewe, scholar, kabbalist and creator of the Golem).  It is a site
>>> of immense Jewish religious, historic and cultural value.
>>> The Chief Rabbi of Prague, Rabbi Efraim Sidon, has asked for Jews
>>> worldwide to take swift action to prevent the desecration of the
>>> Please pass on your concerns to the following addressees, and also
>>> circulate this note to anyone who will be interested. Many thanks.
>>> (NB: The source of this message is a recent article in the Jewish
>>> and a letter written by Rabbi Sidon to the London Committee for the
>>> Preservation of Jewish Cemeteries in Europe.)
>>> Mr. Pavel Dorstal, Minister of Culture
>>> e-mail: minkult (at) mkcr(dot)cz <mailto:minkult (at) mkcr(dot)cz>
>>> Tel: (+42) 2 57085111
>>> Fax: (+42) 2 24323303
>>> Address: Milady Horakove 139, 160 41 Praha 6, Czech Republic
>>> Ceska Pojistovna a.s.
>>> e-mail: CPAS (at) CPOJ(dot)CZ
>>> Tel: (+42) 2 24051111
>>> Fax: (+42) 2 24241067/24052000
>>> Address: Spalena 16, CZ-11304 Praha - Nove Mesto, Czech Republic

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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