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Re: Galper's New Klezmer Book

<<To: klarinet (at) sneezy(dot)org>>

Whoever thought of that name!

<<A surprise from Abe Galper (retired principal clarinetist with the Toronto
Symphony) arrived in my mailbox the other day. It was a copy of his latest
book, "Eine Kleine Klezmer Musik." The book is a collection of 23 Jewish
folk tunes which Abe compiled from recordings by the Jewish Russian
clarinetist Belfeh...>>

Dan Golden, principal violist with the London Ontario Symphony (down the
road from Toronto), also leads the klezmer band "Hot Latkes", which released
a cd of the same name ("Eine Kleine Klezmer Musik") just a few months ago.
Is it a coincidence? Are there any legal ramifications?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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