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At the Rabbi's Table

I received the following e-mail and thought someone on the list could help 
this person.   Please respond to Ginny at cksmcc (at) aol(dot)com

"I am a middle eastern dance student and I
just recently was able to hear a Klezmer band perform for the first time.I 
absolutely loved the music.  However, this group does not
have a cd or tape out and I fell in love with a song they did that  I am 
hoping you can help me find.  I will try a phoenetic spelling:
"Beym Rebah Suda" or "At the Rabi's Table".  This number was played without 
vocals and quite honestly I would like to incorporate it into a dance 
routine if I could find it!!!  If you have or know of what cd or tape I 
might find this number on, I would be forever grateful to you!!!!  I just 
love the song."

Portland, OR
cksmcc (at) aol(dot)com

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