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klezmer melodic contours

Hi all,

I received a letter from Aaron Beim and asked if we could post the
thread on the list, so here it is:

Aron wrote:

        My name is Aaron Beim and I'm a senior at Amherst College in
Amherst, MA.  I'm writing my senior honors thesis on Klezmer and have
doing lots of field recordings and interviews with bands in the Western
Mass. area.  I'm signed up on the shamash e-mail list, but post only on
rare occasion.  Anyway, I have a question regarding your post from
sometime in July regarding Klezmer modes.  In it you wrote:

>Each mode implicitly contains a mood and a set of motives which are
>specific to it, though the melodic contour of these motives overlaps
>extensively from mode to mode, whereby the intervals are the varying

My question is: What are the overlapping melodic contours in klezmer?  I
understand the fact the each mode has its own existance based on
melodic lines and motifs (I have yet to read Harold Power's article in
Grove's in its entirety.  have you?).  I'm having trouble locating the
"overlapping melodic contours."  Are "contours" motifs or more like
outlines in the Schenkerian sense, where the structural downbeats of the
melody are connected through passing notes? Do you think you can provide
me with any examples?

Also, a lot of my work is based on comparative models (ie comparing
two to four different performances of the same piece).  I've been using
CDs as well as my field recordings -- I'm working with two bands now,
Wholesale Klezmer Band and Klezamir.  Can you recommend songs on more
one CD that can be good analytical models?

I recently got the library at Amherst to buy your CD "Mother Tongue."  I
really enjoy listening to it.  I especially enjoy your "mock" interview
liner notes.  And I have many questions to ask regarding that but I
I've troubled you enough.

Thank you very much and sorry to bother you like this.  I'm just finding
it difficult to have a lot of my questions answered.  I know Mark
new book is coming out in January.  I'm eagerly anticipating its release
-- hopefully it will provide me with the info. I'm looking for.

Thanks again

Aaron Beim

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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