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Re: Pedotser and Guzikov

Hi Judy,

I think (but don't know) that Mark Slobin/Michael Alpert/Robert
Rothstein should be bringing them out in the next Beregovski edition,
which will include many of the pieces missing from the first edition
called Old Jewish Folk Music.

I received a copy of them Michael Alpert, but lost 15 of them many of
them, so I only have 4 now. You might want to write to Mark to find out
when the edition is coming out. And of course Izaly Zemtsovski was the
one who visited Beregovski's daughter in Kiev to get boxes of Moyshe's
materials, and who convinced train officials that the boxes contained
*Russian National Opera Treasures* in order to be allowed to shlep them
back to St. Petersburg. Izaly's assistent was shot to death in St. Pete
following his departure to the US. Izaly's now at Univ of California,
Berkeley. Josh

> Josh:
> Q:
> Can you tell me if these (19 variations) manuscripts are available in a
> library or are privately held? And if so, have you seen them?
> Judy

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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