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Time Change of KCRW Yiddish Radio Program

    Time Change for Yiddish Radio Show on KCRW@

The 3 hour Yiddish program on KCRW ( )
will be on at 12:30 PM  (California Time).

If you need a good laugh, I have been asked to go on the air at 11:30 (West 
Coast Time) and present 1/.2 hour of "Ladino". I'm sure my segment will be 
hilarious, unfortunately, it's not meant to be.

By the way, if you should catch my segment, that's not the way I really am, 
as you know, radio makes you look 10 t0 15 lbs heavier.
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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