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Re: Shir al etz (fwd)

The song "Oyfn veg shteyt a boym" is a philosophical poem by the famous Itsik 
Manger (1911-1969).  The melody
is a folk tune that earlier was set to another text.  The translation of 
Manger's poem, as found
in "Mir Trogn a Gezang" compiled by Eleanor Mlotek and published by Workmen's 
Circle is:

By the wayside stands a tree, bent against the storm.  All the birds have 
deserted it, leaving
it alone and unprotected.  "I will become a bird and sit in the tree to comfort 
it with my song
during the winter."  "No, my child," mother weeps, "you will freeze to death, 
sitting in the tree.
But if you must, put on your scarf and galoshes; wear your fur hat and your 
warm underwear."  I 
life up my wings but I cannot fly.  The clothes mother puts on her weak 
nestling are too heavy.
Sadly I gaze into my mother's eyes, knowing that it was her love that kept me 
from soaring like
a bird.

Isabelle Ganz 

-------------Forwarded Message-----------------

From:   INTERNET:jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org, INTERNET:jewish-music (at) 
To:     World music from a Jewish slant, INTERNET:jewish-music (at) 
CC:     [unknown], INTERNET:GCC(dot)Lauer (at) walcheren(dot)ziekenhuis(dot)nl
Date:   11/26/99  2:36 PM

RE:     Re: Shir al etz (fwd)

Can anyone provide the lyrics and other information on the inquiry
below for this song which is in Yiddish and Hebrew, as I explained below?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 14:31:21 -0500 (EST)
From: "H. Kaufman" <hkaufman (at) duke(dot)poly(dot)edu>
To: GCC(dot)Lauer (at) walcheren(dot)ziekenhuis(dot)nl
Cc: eefc (at) eefc(dot)org
Subject: Re: Shir al etz

Dear Derda,

Shir Al Etz is a lovely song originally in Yiddish from Eastern Europe
whose name is Af in Veg Shtayt a Boym (loosely translated -- On the Road
Stands a Tree).  THere is actually an Israeli circle dance to the song
which I am sure the Israeli folk dance leaders in Holland would be able to
show you.  One leader I know in Amsterdam is Nico Mol (phone number 
020-644-7883), There are also others in Almere, The Hague and Rotterdam,
if you need someone closer to you.  But Nico should be able to help.  I
will also send this message to the Jewish Music list for further
information about the original song, including the lyrics. You did not say
whether you also wanted the lyrics in Hebrew, which is a loose translation
from the Yiddish.  If you need further help, you can also contact me off

Hope this helps.

Haim Kaufman
Rikuday Dor Rishon 
New York City

On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 GCC(dot)Lauer (at) walcheren(dot)ziekenhuis(dot)nl wrote:

> dear members,
> Our folkdance-group like to do the dance "Shir al Etz". It is a beautiful
> Israelean waltz. 
> The song that comes with the dance sounds yiddish. And as we are all Dutch,
> we can make up somethinges like a tree with a bird, a mother who worries
> about her child, that is going to fly.....
> Does anybody know the song-text and is he/she willing to share this with us?
> Thank you so much 
> with love, 
> Gerda Lauër
> Statenhove II 16
> 4336 CB Middelburg
> Netherlands
> tel: 0118-425612 
> email: gcc(dot)lauer (at) walcheren(dot)ziekenhuis(dot)nl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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